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Nancye Culbreath with Tread Lightly, original oil on panel
It has been such a pleasure getting to know Nancye Culbreath over the years since she and her husband moved to Monticello. She is a gifted painter and has become a good friend. We are proud to feature her original paintings, prints and note cards at the Jackalope.
Here are a few of her own words about her art:
Why do I paint? To me it is a conversation without words. Landscape painting takes me to places I have been, or places I long to visit. My voice is behind the brush. My brush captures the color of the scene as it speaks and flows on the canvas. My inspiration to paint comes from my love of the outdoors and the paths I have traveled. I am in my element pushing the paint and seeing the image appear as I add layers of color.
Living in this vast canyon landscape of southeastern Utah offers the breathtaking vistas and the hidden treasure of small private places to explore. It all speaks to me without words. I want to capture the feeling and mood with my brush!
I explore different mediums, and surfaces to paint on, not just oil paint. I never tire of the process. If I am able to invoke a feeling or make a connection with the viewer, I have achieved my purpose. I will never stop learning or creating.